G-T-K-Me :-)

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G-T-K-Me :-)

Getting to know me.

I’m a hopeful romantic when it comes to youth leadership development and empowerment. I’ve always believed that the youth participation in the different sectors of our society is vital in infusing creativity, drive for excellence and enthusiasm. By sheer number alone, the young people are a driving force for change. Given the appropriate training (principle and values based servant leadership) and mentoring (from seasoned leaders) and arena for collaboration (with their fellow youth) – there is much that they can contribute.

Third year law student at night.
Development Consultant during the day.
Full-time nation builder by weekend.
Striving to be an inspiring Catholic everyday.

something that feeds the soul

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something that feeds the soul

” every little act, no matter how small or big contributes to nation building if done with great love and service for others and that I consider something that feeds the soul.”